Where can I buy your flowers?
We offer a number of different cut flower options in our online store, including market bouquet CSAs and individual floral bunches. You can purchase through out online store and we will deliver for a fee, or you can pick up for free. Starting on June 6th, one of our CSA pickup locations will be the Carnation Farmer’s Market at the red barn in Tolt-McDonald Park on Tuesdays from 3-7 PM. Starting on May 4th, one of our other CSA pickup locations will be the Duvall Farmer’s Market, on Thursdays from 3-7 PM. We will also be offering a weekly Seattle pickup location; based on our metro Seattle CSA subscribers, we will pick a centralized location convenient to our customers.
What’s a CSA?
“CSA” stands for Community Supported Agriculture. To be a part of a CSA, you purchase a share of flowers before the season begins. In return, you receive a portion of the flowers—in a hand-tied bouquet—we grow every week for a set period of time during the growing season. In purchasing your flower share, you are investing early in the farm, and enabling its success in the coming year. The Paddock has four different CSA options, starting at different points in the growing season.
What forms of payment do you accept?
For online purchases, we accept credit cards through our website’s e-commerce checkout process. If you would like to make a purchase via Venmo, send us an email at claire@thepaddockblooms.com and we will get you all sorted out. At farmer’s markets, we will happily accept cash, credit card, check, and Venmo.
I need flowers delivered TODAY! NOW! ASAP! Can you do that?
If you live in the Snoqualmie Valley, and/or the greater Seattle area, probably! Send us an email at claire@thepaddockblooms.com or direct message us on Facebook or Instagram and let’s work together to find you a solution.